Monday, August 23, 2010

Shots around the city, artistic life

Life in motion 

Life through the moving glass

Here are a few shots i did out and around. Not much to say but enjoy..

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lets drink and have a good time

These are a few shots i did up at a friends bday party. I decided to take a few pictures around just trying my artistic eye. Just to show you all I'm no one trick pony.

Mr. Warbucks

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Through my eyes

Looking through a teared stained window 
This was a shot i did during caribana weekend. I was sitting in a cab and decided to just take a shot around me

Nothing else matters but you and I

The title shoudl explain what the picture means...its very deep I feel. On a day like that you cherish having your loved ones around, but that matters is you and your other half.


When two become one...

I am going to be dropping a few wedding shots i did. Its not much but its something I know is going to be a good look in the future. Comment if you like it

Mr. Warbucks

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Through the eyes of a child

This is the first of many shots i am gonna throw up. This was one from a wedding reception I was shooting at. It just has a feel that isnt able to describe. Its like just just looking up at hope. I really should think of ways to describe my shots

Mr. Warbucks

Friday, August 6, 2010

Coming soon

This will be the official site of all my photos that i like to display and show off. I would use tumblr but i swear that would make my head start to spin like the poltergeist. This wont be like every pic from every shoot but lets say intros to what I can have been doing. Like it or hate it I am here to stay. Where I'm staying at...totally different thing

Mr. Warbucks